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        發(fā)布人:管理員 發(fā)布時間:發(fā)布時間:2006-03-17

        A: We're going to have a few friends over at my house. Would you like to come?


        B: Absolutely yes. 當然要去。

        A: We have a party tonight. Would you like to come? 我們晚上有個派對,你來嗎?

        B: I'd love to. 我很愿意來。

        A: I want to buy you a drink. 我想請你喝杯酒。

        B: That's great. 那太好了。

        A: Could you come to my house for beer? 到我家來一起喝幾杯怎么樣?

        B: I'd love to very much. 很高興有這么一個機會。

        A: I'd like to have you dance with me tonight. Are you free? 我想約你今晚和我跳舞去,你有時間嗎?

        B: Yes. 有時間。

        A: What are you doing over the weekend? 這個周末你打算干什么?

        B: I'm thinking about it. 我正在考慮呢。

        A: Do you have anything to do next Sunday? 你下個星期天有什么打算嗎?

        B: Up till now, I have no plan. 到面前為止我還沒想好。

        A: I'm very busy. Don't call me any more today. 我很忙。今天別再給我打電話了。

        B: I can wait at your leisure. 我會等到你有空的時候。

        A: Now I have something urgent to deal with. 我現(xiàn)在有急事需要處理。

        B: Then I'll call you when you have time. 那等你有時間我再打電話給你。

        A: What're you going to do on Tuesday night? 你星期二晚上準備做什么?

        B: What for? 有什么事情嗎?

        A: Are you free this Sunday? I want to invite you to a fashion show. 這個星期天你有時間嗎?我想邀請你去看時裝表演。

        B: That's great. 太好了。

        A: Are you busy on the twelfth? 12號你忙嗎?

        B: I will have a conference on that day. 那天我要開會。

        A: When can we expect you for a picnic? 你什么時間能來參加我們的野餐呀?

        B: Is this Sunday all right? 這個星期六可以嗎?

        A: Would you like to see a movie with me? 你想不想和我一起去看電影?

        B: Yes. It's a pleasure. 很榮幸。

        A: How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么樣?

        B: Great! 太好了!

        A: Do you have plans for this morning? 今天上午你有安排嗎?

        B: Yes, I have an interview for a job. 有安排,我得去參加工作面試。

        A: Are you free later today? 今天晚些時候有空嗎?

        B: I'm afraid not. 恐怕沒有。

        A: How about having dinner together? 一起吃晚飯好嗎?

        B: I'm sorry. I already have another appointment tonight. 對不起,我晚上有約會。

        A: Jane, I just got your invitation. Thank you for it. 簡,我剛收到你們的請柬。謝謝。

        B: Can you come then? 那你能來嗎?

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